Sunday, October 20, 2013

2nd Greeneration Summit

              A well thought research agenda could increase the aspect of developing interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary researches.
              On October 14, 2013 the Sciences Cluster is having a discussion about setting a research agenda.
              Professor Chito Patiño from the Sciences cluster openly discussed the details about the upcoming seminar on developing a research agenda.
              He said they will be inviting Professor Eduardo Mendoza in the seminar to talk about the Systems Biology and Computational Biology.
              Professor Mendoza is a research scientist of Ludwig Maximillan University in Germany and also an affiliate professor of UP Diliman and UP Manila.
              The seminar is an initiative by the Computer Science department to help set off or jump starts the collaborative researches within the Sciences Cluster.
              Presently what they have at the department are researches that are separate out of the different initiatives of the faculty, with this set-up in the department Patiño said, “What I had in mind was probably bring in a common topic or for the cluster to graft its own agenda where are we leading to in terms of research,”
              The objective is to organize the different researches and have a ‘certain theme’ in which the different professors in the cluster can work together. “So it would become an interdisciplinary research,” Patiño added.
              He also said the decisions about the topics to be discussed are still tentative as the final decisions will still be up to the cluster.

By Emma Hernandez

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