Sunday, October 20, 2013

OPINION: Healthy Cup

Neil Degal
A lot of the youth these days, hang out at tea houses and coffee shops. Aside from the refreshing and good-tasting brews they offer, their interior designs and furniture allow the costumers to relax and unwind from stress from work or school.
Students and professionals flock inside these shops. There’s no denying that Cebuanos are hooked with it. Maybe that is why a lot of tea houses and coffee shops in Cebu have popped out lately.However, are we knowledgeable enough of the effects of these beverages? What are its benefits?
Caffeine, which is commonly found in coffee or tea, has been studied closely to determine where it may be of benefit, and where it may cause undesirable effects.

HealthTea Benefits
Drinking tea could help reduce the risk of heart attack. Tea might also help protect against cardiovascular and degenerative diseases. Regular tea drinking is also linked with a lower risk of Parkinson’s disease. When considered with other factors like smoking, physical activity, age and body mass index, regular tea drinking was associated with a lowered risk of Parkinson’s disease in both men and women.
Coffee Benefits
On the other hand, the roasted beans that are used to make coffee are a rich source of antioxidants, particularly a certain type of antioxidant called chlorogenic acid. It is the antioxidant content of coffee that is thought to be responsible for many of its health benefits. Coffee also contains caffeine, a substance that stimulates the central nervous system and which may in turn be responsible for enhancing learning, memory, performance and coordination. Caffeine improves alertness and reaction time in people, whether they are habitual consumers of caffeine or not.
The Other Side of the Cup
However, too much intake of these caffeinated beverages may lead to certain negative health effects like osteoporosis, diabetes and loss of sleep.
Increased amounts of caffeine lead to dependency due to increased tolerance and hence the need for greater amounts to gain the same stimulatory benefits. Heavy users who have to go without can experience withdrawal symptoms such as headaches and fatigue. Too much caffeine can produce restlessness, nausea, sleep difficulties, upset stomach, increased urine production causing dehydration, and cardiac arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats).
Caffeine taken during the day may prevent from falling asleep at night, shortening the normal length of time of sleep. Caffeine also increases the number of times you wake up during the night by increasing the need to urinate and interfering with deep sleep.

Moderation is the key
According to studies, the recommendation for safe drinking levels is 500mg per day, less for those with heart conditions, elevated blood pressure, and pregnant women. The average cup of instant coffee contains between 80 and 100mg/cup. The stronger the coffee the more caffeine it contains. Tea usually has less caffeine than this, except if it is very strongly brewed.
Research suggests a moderate intake of around 3 cups of tea or coffee per day is needed for the beneficial effects and is unlikely to cause any negative effects on health.
While we appreciate these amazing health benefits, we should be always be reminded that too much of everything is always unhelpful. Moderate intake of coffee and tea will help us stay fit and healthy.

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