Sunday, October 20, 2013


For years now, the University of the Philippines inculcated right from the first day its academic years the motto:  honour and excellence. It has always been honour and excellence, never the other way around. However, the issue of Mark Joseph Solis is a call to remind the students and people of how important that motto is.
Solis caught the national headlines when it was found out that he joined and won numerous photography contests by passing photos that are not his own. The University falls into the mucks of shame, brought about by a mind it nurtured who failed to see through its teachings.
UP has always upheld high moral and intellectual standards. It garnered the reputation of giving the most difficult entrance exam to ensure that it hones the best and brightest minds. The nation knows that much. It is home to students who are encouraged and fostered to be their best and be able to give back to their country. A student of the University of the Philippines is an Iskolar ng Bayan.
In a society that continues to equal self-worth with achievements rigidly, it is easy to be blinded. Solis expressed that he was driven by "youth, lack of experience, and the inability to see the repercussions of [his] actions." He even added that the prize money and the opportunity to travel abroad "blinded" him. In his apology letter, honour, it seems, is what he aims for. However, we should always remember that integrity enables one to sleep with a clear conscience.
Intellectual theft has always been considered a grave offense by the university. Such actions mar the identity that the university strives to keep. Honour always comes first. For the list of one’s achievements, no matter how long and impressive, will never make up for tainted integrity.
Plagiarism is no less than corruption. A corruption of the public fund and the public trust. Being an Iskolar ng Bayan entitles one to have his tuition subsidized by the taxes paid by the Filipino people. As such betraying that trust becomes a slap in the face of the millions of Filipinos who paid for the chance of an Iskolar ng Bayan to study.
Sherwin Garbrinez, Jr.
Education is a right, however, right now it is a privilege. Making a fool out of that chance is a mockery of those who are not able to go to school and learn, and to the citizenry of this nation.
Solis may have admitted his fault. What is done is done. Such instance should be a lesson. We should move on, learn from the mistakes and strive to be better.
We should remember that it is honour before excellence.

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