Sunday, October 13, 2013

Canadian Professor Talks about Java Garbage Collecting

The Computer Science department of the University of the Philippines Cebu hosted a lecture about the garbage collection mechanism of the Java programming language last September 23, 2013 at the ILC.

The lecture was given by Dr. Gerhard Dueck, a Canadian professor from the University of Brunswick in Canada.

The talk delved into the details of his research topic on how garbage collecting in Java was done and how to deal with the problem of stop-the-world phases in the Java garbage collection mechanism. It provided in depth understanding to both students and faculty because this is a topic that is not normally discussed in class.

Present during the lecture were students and faculty from UP and faculty members from other universities, as well.

According to Ryan Dulaca, an instructor in the UP Computer Science department, the lecture taught the students on the basics of garbage collection in Java.
 ‘And on the teacher’s side, it would be good also. Because next time the teacher handles a subject, he as one of the topic might want to include that s when he teaches Java,’ he added.

 By Emma Hernandez

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