Thursday, September 19, 2013

Unity Party for the Victors

By Joelie Ann Pada 

    After the University of the Philippines Cebu (UPC) intramurals 2013, the four clusters look forward on having their respective victory parties.
    The champion, Management Tycoons, which recently redeemed their Champion title, celebrated their victory by having a “budol” fight last September 6 at the Management Division area.
    “It was the first time that we had a budol fight and it was really amazing because even the ‘sossy’ people didn’t feel disgusted. They really eat by hand,” said John Rhey Balmori, a fourth year Management student.
Budol fight is a way of eating together with bare hands and serving food scattered on the table with banana leaves that usually serve as the plate.
   The management students contributed ten pesos each and the faculty members sponsored food to celebrate their triumph.
    A video tribute for the officers of Management Circle was also shown during the event.
Meanwhile, the ArtsComm Bullets were planning to have a victory party, but with one condition.
  “There are still remaining debts due to the intramurals and it is quite big. So, there will be no victory party unless the debts are all cleared,” an ArtsComm Bullet officer said.
The uncollected fees can compensate the debts; however, the officers are having a hard time collecting the money from the students.
  “The students hesitate to pay and questions why there were added fees when the Comm-Up officers promised during the first general meeting that only 200 pesos will be collected for the whole school year. The students were already asked to pay around 300 pesos,” the Artscomm officer added.
    The 50 pesos Comm-Up fee from the previous years was increased to 200 pesos this year so as to compensate the activities of Comm-Up for the whole school year.
    On the other hand, the Golden Scions, who placed second in the recent intramurals, wanted to have a victory party, but because of some financial issues, decided not to pursue it.
The SocSci  Stallions have no plans on having a victory party.
    “No comment. Let’s just forget about it,” freshmen psychology students jokingly said. 

 UPC Intramurals 2013 festival of festivals was held last August 27 to 30 with the theme “Hudyaka! Sa Panglawas nga himsog magsaulog; Sa hinigalang sangka, magsadya”.

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